Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Storm Hawks Comic Special - Rounding Third!

We're going to press with the Storm Hawks Comic Book Special, and there are a host of creators that have contributed to this amazing body of work.

- The cover is a collaboration between Andy Poon (Storm Hawks Art Director), myself and DMF colorist Peter Kostka.
-Peter, Jason Park of DMF Comics and myself have worked on the short stories - Phoenix Crystal, Origins, and reworked The Escape (originally by creator Asaph Fipke and Andy Poon).
- Contributing artists to our ALL STAR pinup gallery include: Randy Green (X-Men, Witchblade), Marcus To (Fathom, Black Panther), Mike Kunkel (Hero Bear and the Kid), Sean 'Cheeks' Galloway (Teen Titans Go!), Marcio Takara (The Incredibles), Sanford Greene (Marvel Adventures: Spider-Man), Rob Ruffolo (Transformers), Jim Su (Bakugan, Crozonia), J. Antonio (Superfuzz), Peter Kostka (Superfuzz, Crozonia), Lamin Martin, Craig Yeung (X-Factor, Runaways), Marvin Mariano (Bakugan, Lung Mei: Dragon Current), Marvin Law (Conquer Entertainment), and graphic designers Gavin Soares and Ken Wright.

Look for it at, at conventions this summer, and finally in stores in September.

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