Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Fan Expo Photos

Here are some photos from the Fan Expo!

The snazzy new entrance to the show.

This is my table in the artist alley. It's modest, but effective. I will be getting another banner and a more elaborate display for next year's convention season. That's fellow artist Julio del Hierro, working hard.

Kijin, my expert inking assistant.

I do the sketches, Julio takes my calls.

Some fans gripe about the Expo. But this guy's head is on a stick!

One of the many free sketches I did.

Bobby Chiu, one of the heavy hitters in the artist alley.

The Crozonia Crew, from left: Jim Su : West Coast Skillz, Julio Del Hierro : Viva La Razza, Ben Su: Make fun of my haircut, but I just scored a sketch from Jim Lee! Mofo!

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