Tuesday, July 26, 2005


Originally, Crozonia was published as a b/w comic for two issues in 1999. Dan Merisanu and I never registered Crozonia for copyright. Now that Crozonia is going to be back in the public eye (well kind of), I felt it was important to register it with the copyright office in Canada.
For the comic book creators reading this, any artistic work you create automatically becomes your copyright. I don't have to register with the Copyright Office, but by doing so, I get a certificate that proves the date that I published Crozonia and a couple copies will be sent to the Library and Archives of Canada. Crozonia will also be added to the online Canadian Copyrights Database.

It costs $50 to file an application online here:
Canadian Intellectual Property Office

As far as trademarking the name Crozonia goes, it costs $250 online to do so. I may decide to do that in the near future if I find the brand "Crozonia" is lucrative enough. We'll find out.

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